
  • What was I just doing? What did I work on last week? I was just about to do something… Ok, I forgot to do that thing, I’ll do it now….. (repeats) Where did I see that thing? I’m pretty sure someone said something about that on a call… that happened… sometime… shit. These are things…

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  • As I struggle to wrap up a few projects around the house, I realized that there’s a definite pattern of under estimating how long something will take me — specifically if I’ve never done that something before. In this case, I figured I would save myself a few hundred bucks by renting a trencher so I…

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  • tl;dr – Being in deep focus or high-energy work drains your body. You then need time to rest, recharge and reset before you can get back into that focused state. Leverage shorter work sessions to get your best work done — around 90 minutes. When you start to feel yourself ramp down, give yourself a break,…

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